Benefits for

personalised care
continuity in care
take control of your health
Access to Verified Information
Access verified profiles of doctors, articles, educational videos, Frequently Asked Questions about medical conditions and treatments
Reviews & Ratings
Genuine reviews and ratings from other patients
Easy Appointment Booking
Convenient appointment booking by Phone, Email or Online Booking Form
personalised care
Access to Verified Information
Access verified profiles of doctors, articles, educational videos, Frequently Asked Questions about medical conditions and treatments.
continuity in care
Reviews & Ratings
Genuine reviews and ratings from other patients
take control of your health
Easy Appointment Booking
Convenient appointment booking by Phone, Email or Online Booking Form
Let's clear those last minute doubts
Let's clear those last minute doubts
Your data's security is very important to us at We utilise ISO 27001 certified data centres (Cert. No: IS 674690), ensuring stringent standards for information security management. By hosting data in ISO 27001 certified facilities, we uphold the highest levels of data integrity, privacy and security. Moreover, ISO 27001 certification assures compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and DPA (U.K), ensuring further protection for your data.
We don't charge you for the appointments you make through rated doctor.
Once you had the consultation and treatment, the doctor can request you for a review, you could then leave a review on the doctor’s profile page.
Reviews are text in words. Ratings are the number of star images you click against the doctors profile.
1 Quality Assurance: Patients can be rest assured that they are choosing reputable and highly-rated doctors.
2 Trusted Reviews: Access to genuine patient reviews and ratings, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare providers.
3 Convenience: Rated Doctor is an easy to use platform for patients to search and book appointments with highly-rated doctors.
Your data's security is very important to us at We utilise ISO 27001 certified data centres (Cert. No: IS 674690), ensuring stringent standards for information security management. By hosting data in ISO 27001 certified facilities, we uphold the highest levels of data integrity, privacy and security. Moreover, ISO 27001 certification assures compliance with industry standards such as GDPR and DPA (U.K), ensuring further protection for your data.
We don't charge you for the appointments you make through rated doctor.
Once you had the consultation and treatment, the doctor can request you for a review, you could then leave a review on the doctor’s profile page.
Reviews are text in words. Ratings are the number of star images you click against the doctors profile.
1 Quality Assurance: Patients can be rest assured that they are choosing reputable and highly-rated doctors.
2 Trusted Reviews: Access to genuine patient reviews and ratings, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their healthcare providers.
3 Convenience: Rated Doctor is an easy to use platform for patients to search and book appointments with highly-rated doctors.
* Please note is an introductory service for patients to find good doctors and not an emergency service, please attend an emergency department close to you in case of a medical emergency.
* Please note is an introductory service for patients to find good doctors and not an emergency service, please attend an emergency department close to you in case of a medical emergency.
Personalised healthcare just a click away
Find and connect with the right specialist doctors.
Rated Doctor